Thank you!
Mary Tanksley
* teaches comprehensive, explicit phonics
* beginning to college-level spelling
* neat,legible penmanship
* logic and analytic skills
* a love of reading "living books"
* grammar integrated with composition
* vocabulary building, including Latin and Greek roots
This unique program starts with the student writing and spelling, and moves to reading. Based on solid physiological
research and historical precedent, Spell to Write and Read will amaze you with its simplicity, conciseness, and completeness.
A time-proven method with over 50 years of success throughout the States!
Do you want to know more about this program? Are you just starting to investigate phonics, spelling, or reading programs?
Click here.
The Seminar:
This is a two-day, sixteen hour teacher-training, providing you with the tools and knowledge to implement the SWR/Spalding
method with confidence and success, whether your students are beginning, elementary, or remedial. We will teach you to use
phonics to teach spelling, writing and reading, place each child at their correct level by diagnostic tests, and adapt this
method to the student's abilites. There will be hands-on work time, so you can learn how to teach each student as you build
your Spelling Notebook. This class includes instruction based on the new Spell to Write and Read and the Wise Guide!

This intensive phonics course completely integrates penmanship and spelling, writing, reading with grammar and compositon
in the early grades, and is a complete spelling course for grades K-college level.
This two-day training will give you the tools needed to successfully implement the entire course. This time-tested method
is excellent for beginning readers, for an elementary spelling program, or remedial students behind in reading or spelling.
Handouts Provided: Each participant will receive a blank learning log (primary for the basic and black for the advanced),
a regular and a red pencil, and class handouts.
You may buy the books from me when you register for this class, or buy them without the class. Just use the registration form
for your order.
To see sample pages from the Wise Guide, click here
To schedule this teacher-training for your area
Click here for How to Organize a SWR seminar:
contact us here.
Registration for Basic SWR Seminar

Basic and Intermediate Classes! 9/17-19
Basic SWR Class
When: Sept. 17-18, 2009
(Th/F); 9 AM – 6 PM
Cost: $120
if registered by 9/3; $135 after 9/3. This discount will show up in your registraion email after you register on
this site. (This 3-day Basic and Intermediate Class combined: early registration discount: $170 by 9/3; after 9/3: $198)
Discount Pre-Registration deadline 9/3 (See discounts above; call or email hostess
to check on available space if after that date.)
Where: The Girkins Home, 6211 Crestbrook Dr., Morrison CO 80465
(Morrison would be considered the "Southwest Denver Metro Area")
Local Contact: Lisa Johnson (303)-934-7386
This 2-day hands-on class will give you the tools and understanding you need to successfully implement this powerful
method! (K-12th)
Intermediate Class:
Sept. 19 (Sat.), 8:30
AM – 5:30
$50 additional to above class prior to 9/4; $68 after that deadline.
Pre-requisite: The first two days (Basic SWR Class) are required to attend this day. This may
be this years, or a previous year's Basic. Please let me know what Basic Class you attended (when and where) when you register
for this Intermediate Class. The Basic sessions are vital to understanding the Intermediate Class.
All Class notes, 3-ring bider, Advanced (black) learning log, black and red pencil are included in the tuition.
This special class will focus on teaching 3rd grade and up, though teachers of younger students will still be able to get
a lot out of this class. This day
is an additional $68 per attendee; discount will be given for early registration. Register online on this website.
* Upper-level spelling, starting at Section P * More advanced sessions in grammar, composition,
spelling, literature * More detailed work with advanced reference pages
* Hands-on work, building your Advanced (black) Teacher's Log, and practicing teaching techniques
with each other * Special session on lesson planning &
Local Contact: Lisa Johnson (303)-934-7386
MATERIALS: You may purchase the materials at this seminar, or online at Mary's website
and pick them up before the Seminar.
Click on the link below to register now.
You may purchase your materials from me when you register with a credit card, paypal, or a check!
Registration for Basic SWR Seminar
Click here for seminar preparation:
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Accolades about this seminar * * * Links pertinent to SWR
"Mary makes Spalding (SWR) so practical and simple! I can't imagine using any other system to teach my children."
- Colorado mother
"My daughter was hardly reading at eleven years of age. When I started TRH/SWR, she tested at 1.1 (first grade, first
month), and within four months, she was 4.4! Mary's seminar really helped me have the confidence to teach her." - Homeschool
mom from California
Other Endorsements of Mary Tanksley's seminars
"I loved your website. Especially helpful was the information about "The comparison between phoney phonics, fickle
phonics, and pokey phonics with true phonics." I sure wish I could have had that 5 years ago when I had to defend the
system I was using so successfully to our Master Teacher who insisted it did not work since she had tried it and had little
success." - satisfied SWR user
contact us here.
 Click to join SpellToWriteAndRead