Renewing your vision...
Homeschool with joy and confidence! Learn how to set up your own individualized school, with personalized curriculum for each
child! Many, many creative ideas as well as specific curriculum advice for all grade levels, preschool - 12th grade! Then
we'll also look at how to make the day go smoother by home and child management, streamlining, and eliminating the unnecessary.
This seminar is for anyone interested in homeschooling -- whether you're a veteran . . . just starting out . . . or just
"looking" into the possiblities!
The seminar emphasizes the "whole picture" of home education: home schooling is more than just academics, but encompasses
all of life. We need to teach life skills, character building, relational skills, chores, vocational skills, and life purpose.
What is covered:
- understanding your child
- various methods of home schooling
- age-appropriate curriculum
- outstanding ways to save $$$
- making homeschooling work for you
- the blessings of home schooling
- homeschooling for the whole of life!
- chores and home organization
- homeschooling with little ones
- working through interruptions
- the tyranny of the telephone
- plus much, much more!
A 120- page Seminar/Resource Manual is included with the seminar, with seminar outline, ordering information, forms, plus
a host of information... a resource you can refer to again and again! Many curricular materials will also be on display, plus
free home school catalogs for you to take home.
Click on the link below to register now.
Approximate schedule: Registration- 8-8:30 Bookstore opens
First session- 8:30-10 Break 10-10:15 Second Session 10:15-12 Lunch- 12:00-1:00 Third Session 1:00-3:00 Break
3:00-3:15 Fourth Session 3:15-5:30 (Store closes)
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Eureka, CA * Saturday, April 18, 2009
Time: 8:30 AM- 5:30 PM
Where: Ridgewood
Heights Baptist Church,
1616 Ridgewood Dr., Eureka.
Click on the link below to register now.
On Friday, the Tanksleys will present the Purity and Patience workshop at the same location. For more, click here:
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What others say...
"We've been home schooling for over ten years, and this is the very
best seminar we've been to! Mary makes everything simple and to-the-point. Her manual is a gold mine of information. Valuable
for new homeschoolers, and terrific for veteran home schoolers who need a boost! - Phoenix
I'm so excited about this
seminar! You know I have to tell you, it's one of the best that I've been to! - Leader, Cornerstone Support Group, Livermore,
From Liz FitzGerald: I've attended the Homeschooling for the Heart and Home
workshop at least three times. Each time I've come away feeling encouraged and revitalized. In fact, it was so good, I even
hosted it in San Leandro one year! Mary has a heart for serving the homeschool community, and she is a wealth of information.
She has samples of so many different curricular choices, just looking over her sample table is a chance to get ideas and find
new resources for your homeschool. Spending a day with Mary at this workshop is an investment in your teaching that will pay
dividends for years. I highly recommend that you put this event on your calendar now!
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