Don't let fear of failure... fear of the unknown... or fear of THOSE subjects defeat you! You CAN home school victoriously
all the way through high school! These years are the most fun... the most challenging... and carry the GREATEST reward. Here
are some ideas froma mom who has home schooled six of her eight children through 12th grade... and the rest are following!
What it is:
An intensive, information-packed 7-hour seminar focusing on just 7th-12th grades--
for anyone interested in home schooling.
What is covered in Teaching Teens:
* various methods of teaching
* tried & true curriculum ideas
* outstanding ways to save $$$$
* elective, labs, & extra-curricular
* making lessons come alive
* teaching the "Toughies"
* scheduling & organization
* equipping for godly hood
* curricular displays
* high school & beyond: college & vocational reapration... apprenticeships... college at home?!... courtship
& marriage preparation
* Heart & Home Bookstore will feature special home school and child training books for purchase.
* plus much, much more!
Click on the link below to register now.
Registration for Teaching Teens Seminar

Special Breakout afternoon Session for Men and Teens!
with Bill Tanksley
Everyone will be together in the morning session, then while the women are in the afternoon session, the men and teens are
invited to attend these special sessions taught by Bill Tanksley, father of eight and CHEA speaker. Notes included.
** Four Smart Rats
Don't miss this dynamic, popular talk on how to avoid destructive temptation. A riveting illustration of the danges of desensitization,
Satan's favorite strategy.
*** Foundational Fathering
- being the spiritual leader of your family
- Biblical Child Training-- what's that?
- the authorial role of parenting
- desensitization: how to protect your family
- how to support your wife in homeschooling
- questions and answers
Special Session with Marian Soderholm, Learning Specialist
Learning Disabilities Specialist, will be speaking on multi-sensory teaching-- how to teach each of your teens!